Friday, July 29, 2016

What you missed at the Democrat National Convention

This was quite a convention for the Democrat Party, filled with everything
a loyal Democrat could ask for. The four day affair was filled with historic
firsts, nostalgia for bygone days, drama, and the unexpected.

This was the conclusion of the 'coronation', the end of the eight year journey
for the first women to be nominated to be their candidate for the presidency!

Even before the event began on Monday, it was preceded with a tradition
in political circles, a Friday 'document dump'. But, it was not the govt. doing
the dumping on a "slow news day", hopeful the media would not report it.

This time it was an independent source, Wikileaks, that released 20,000
emails showing coordination between the DNC-Hillary Clinton-Politico,
a news organization.

Wikileaks proved what Bernie Sanders said for over a year, the system was
'rigged' to keep anyone other than Hillary Clinton from being the nominee.
This created a firestorm, an embarrassment to the DNC, even before the gavel
opened the convention on Monday.

Immediately, the wagons were circled, a scalp was needed, and a deflection
from responsibility had to be found.

The circled wagons protected those who denied any collusion, the scalp was
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who had the thankless job of running the DNC
and being a firewall to ensure no one other than Hillary would be the nominee.
The deflection was not a video, that didn't work on the Benghazi coverup.
So some genius suggested Russia  and the DNC blamed Putin!

Unfortunately for the DNC Wikileaks denied this, as did Putin who was so
angry he mailed back the red 'reset button' Hillary gave him! The folly of
pointing to Putin, as if he wrote the emails himself!

Wikileaks also said more information on Hillary will be coming!

In any event, no matter where the information came from, the fingerprints
proved collusion to hurt Sanders did occur including racist and anti-Semitic
comments coming from a party which continually claims the higher moral

This story continued most of the week, overshadowing the DNC as much as
the media and Democrats tried to change the subject.

The opening night main speaker was the First Lady Michelle Obama. Unlike
Melania Trump, Mrs. Obama would not be accused of plagiarism.

The First Lady did provide a history lesson that is probably not taught in schools.
The White House was built by slaves!  This was not the first time she has said
this and must really trouble her  and why she often globe-trots around the world
with her daughters!

But, I was disappointed since she was giving a history lesson  but did not expound
further. She could have mentioned some items found in the White House, such
as the telephone invented by a Scotsman, light bulb by an American and radio
by an Italian. A lost opportunity.

Now to the nostalgia, which older Democrats may remember if they attended
the Chicago convention of 1968 and appreciate with tears in their eyes. The
event was the traditional flag burning by protesters who were rallying behind a
wall (see, walls do work) on Monday. In fact the only flags to be found were
in the parking lots, in  flames! None could be found inside the venue!

The protesters were protected by law enforcement, well known by the Black
Lives Matter delegates as pigs.

The omission of flags on the opening night must have been an oversight because
Tuesday flags did appear, thanks to the always reliable FedEx!

As with most conventions, there is an overall theme. In Cleveland the Republican
had nights dedicated to fighting terrorism and recognizing law enforcement.

It was a little different in Philadelphia. The DNC wanted to recognize the families
of  Blacks killed by law enforcement, which I believe it was a dozen. I understand
the DNC not recognizing the families of Blacks murdered, but not by cops. If this
was attempted the stage wasn't large enough to hold 2000 families.

The DNC went on to tally the delegates and to no ones surprise Hillary won. As
is typical of Bernie delegates they got a little rowdy, even holding up signs "Liar"
(Did Trump supply them?)

But, Bernie came out and gave a rousing endorsement of Hillary, but oddly
mentioned Trump's name more!  This was his swan song and singing it as
he leaves Philadelphia he was carrying a boatload of bucks, the remainder
of his campaign stash.  And, given the lax Senate rules he can do almost
anything  he wants with it. Perhaps, he'll join Charlie Rangel with a place
in the islands!

But, surprises were still at hand coming from Bernie. After getting a good
night's sleep he woke up and made another decision, to leave the Democrat
Party. How's that for appreciation!

Then after the "people of color" evening we got see why Hillary chose Tim
Kaine for VP, he speaks fluent Spanish. This will go well when rallying
voters who do not speak English, which as I remember is a requirement
for citizenship! Oh well, just another detail to ignore, like not using a
personal server for official business!

Next theme, illegals, those people screwed by their home countries, who took

great risk coming to America.  Their children became known as 'Dreamers'
which is interesting, because their dream has been a nightmare for young
Americans, mostly Blacks, who cannot find jobs!

But, illegals are the next 'constituency' needed to keep the Democrat Party
doing what  it does so well, looking for victims, registering them than
failing to deliver campaign promises and pointing elsewhere!

On this theme night we learned Hillary wants all the 10, 15, 20 or whatever
million number of illegals now in the country to receive amnesty.

Of sanctuary cities that flaunt federal law, Hillary, the  carpetbagger who moved
to New York to begin her political career, would say, "Forget about 'em".

There was brief mention of law enforcement on the next night with the opening
pray from a uniformed officer. Deferring back to nostalgia, she was booed!

In fact, some of the delegates were offended law enforcement in the venue
wore their uniforms!

There was mention of education and naturally an attack on Trump University,
even a young woman who was not pleased.

For some reason the center piece of global education, Common Core, never
was mentioned.  Perhaps it was due to the fact the largest representative group
of delegates, teachers, are against this creation of the education "industry"
funded by Bill Gates!

I also could not understand why the Clintons did not mention the work they were
doing furthering education. Maybe it was due to their shyness.

Did you know Bill Clinton worked tirelessly for Laureate University as its
Chancellor, paid $16.5 million for two years. But this was money well spent
as the university wound up receiving $55 million in State Dept grants while
Hillary was at the helm. I guess the fabled Clinton modesty kept this from being

In fact, while Hilary was running State Dept., more than 1100 foreign donations
were made to the Clinton Foundation. The coincidences are breathtaking!

There were other omissions by the DNC, such as the failure to put an accurate
face on the crime in Chicago or the terrorist threat from a former "JV" terrorist
group which is now getting straight As in advanced barbarism!

President Obama did remind the audience that Hillary Clinton is the most
qualified person ever to run for the presidency, but never told us what her
achievements were. 

However, when someone can go from being "dead broke" to parleying wealth
to almost $200 million, what else is there to say.

In fact, Hillary achieved another "first" she became the highest paid woman
author with an advance of $14 million. How great is that for a women who
had written only one book selling two million copies. Compare Hillary to
JK Rowlings of Harry Potter fame. Rowlings only got an advance of $8
million with books sales of 350 million copies!

I was disappointed Hillary was not joined on the stage by her brothers, Hugh
and Tony Rodham. Both have been highly successful.  It was rumored they
might be in the "witness protection program" for past questionable dealing.
Guess there is something in the Rodham kids  DNA!

While the DNC is heralding the first woman winning its nomination, there
is one final 'first', but not as flattering.

In December 1974 Hillary Rodman was the first, and only, member of the
Watergate commission who was dismissed for lying.

And, here we are 42 year later and we are still hearing Hillary being called a liar!

If per chance you would like to learn more, check out "Hillary's America" which
opened in theaters across the country!

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